Alessandra Zedda is the centre-right mayoral candidate in Cagliari.

The coalition table is underway in a hotel in the capital, with Zedda herself, Michele Cossa (Reformers), Alessandro Serra and Antonello Picci (Forza Italia), Stefano Tunis of Sardinia at the 20Venti centre, Michele Pais and Michele Ennas of the League, Andrea Floris of Alleanza Sardegna, Marco Porcu of FdI, Roberto Sorcinelli of PLI, Alice Aroni of UDC.

The Psd'Az is missing and could not support Zedda's candidacy and break with the rest of the coalition.

In any case, there is already the green light from Matteo Salvini on the name of the vice president of the Region. The centre-right, therefore, has shown itself willing to create a synthesis with or without Psd'Az in the team.

This afternoon Gianni Chessa, whose candidacy had been put forward by the Sardinians, spoke on Radiolina : "I am ready to run to be mayor," he said.

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