Bianca Atzei pregnant . The Sardinian-born singer gave the happy news on her Instagram profile by posting two photos: in the first she with the belly that Stefano Corti kisses, in the second the ultrasound.

We wanted you more than anything else in the world . We are waiting for you and we will give you our love ”, the sweet words chosen by Atzei.

An immense joy for the couple, who have been waiting for such news for some time. Last October Bianca Atzei told of a tragic experience she lived with her partner: assisted fertilization, a positive pregnancy test and the drama, a miscarriage .

“When I saw that positive test it was the most beautiful emotion of my life - he wrote -. We were in seventh heaven, we wanted to shout it to the whole world. Unfortunately that happiness disappeared when we learned that the pregnancy was interrupted after a few months and it was necessary to have surgery ”.

(Unioneonline / L)

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