The Viminale's turnaround on the recalculation of the votes obtained by the parties in the elections in the plurinominal constituencies, which had widespread echo in the country for the mistake committed against Umberto Bossi and stole a Sardinian representative in the patrol of the elected in Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama, returns to Andrea Casu , outgoing deputy of the Pd of Sardinian origin, the seat in one of the proportional colleges of the Lazio Region.

Parents from the island, father from Olbia and mother from Sassari, Casu was born and raised in Rome with his brother Marco .

Elected last year with the supplementary elections in the single-member constituency of Primavalle, his entry into Parliament took place quietly: the media attention in that electoral round was absorbed by Enrico Letta's challenge in the Siena constituency, a competition that saw the Pd secretary winner.

Since 2017 Andrea Casu has been city secretary of the Democratic Party in Rome and always carries Sardinia in his heart.

Another representative of the Parliament with Sardinian blood is Stefano Maullu , currently vice president of the Culture and Education Commission at the European Parliament.

Originally from Marmilla, Maullu, who on every occasion defines himself as a Sardinian-Lombard politician , was born in Milan and has climbed all the steps of politics starting from the Milan City Council, to land in the Lombardy Region as President of the Commission and Councilor, up to big leap in Brussels at the last European elections.

A few years ago, in unsuspecting times with Fratelli d'Italia at 4%, after an over twenty-year militancy in Forza Italia, he chose to side with Giorgia Meloni and today he will represent in the Chamber of Deputies a part of the Lombard voters and Sardinian emigrants residing in 71 municipalities of the Milanese belt and in the Loreto, Bande Nere and Buenos Aires areas of the metropolitan city of Milan after the victory in the Lombardy 1 - P01 proportional college.


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