Ambra Angiolini shoots to zero on Max Allegri, the Juventus coach with whom he had a relationship that ended last year. And he does it to Michelle Impossible, Michelle Hunziker's show, talking about a series of mistakes in her own life.

Starting from when she was a girl: “I made love for the first time at 18 with the wrong man - said the actress -. He told me I was fat and that to see him again I absolutely had to lose weight. To make it happen soon, I start throwing up and become bulimic. Today I still throw up: the wrong people out of my life ”.

And also in the professional field: "An agent refused me because he said I had a big calf, today I realized that I hadn't got the wrong job but I had the wrong person".

And then love: "The last time I was wrong was 2017". The reference is precisely to the year in which he began his relationship with Allegri. When it was over, Ambra did not want to comment, her daughter Jolanda did it for her, she had from the singer Francesco Renga, who had pointed the finger at the Juventus coach for the "treatment" reserved for her mother. Now, perhaps, he wanted to take a pebble off his shoe.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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