On the day of the presentation of the lists, here is Alessandra Zedda , candidate for mayor of Cagliari for the centre-right .

The former regional councilor introduces herself to her people in a crowded room of a hotel in Cagliari : at least 400 people , plenty of standing room for the official start of the electoral campaign in view of the municipal elections of 8 and 9 June.

« Cagliari must look forward », he begins, «this is the right part, the part of change. Without giving in to the sirens of those who want to go back."

An exquisitely political passage on the outcome of the recent regional elections in February to reiterate that the centre-right is a living, strong and cohesive coalition : «If there is a truth that emerges from that vote», he says, «it is that this coalition still has the wider consensus of the people". And again: «We are the ones who run, who fall and get up again. We are here to start a beautiful journey, inch by inch. We are ready to govern for our Municipality."

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