
Now it is the Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari and Oristano that is slowing down the merger of Sardinian airports: the chamber council postpones the decision on the announced «integration» between Sogaer – of which it owns 94% –, Geasar and Sogeaal.

It is the twist that few would have bet on, because so far the top management of the body that brings together local businesses had chosen to go ahead, despite the deluge of negative opinions on the operation.

But now the journey stops. Officially for an "investigative integration".

The financial statements of the three companies involved, updated to 2022, were included in the file. But given the importance of the step - contested by the Region, Enac, Anac, Confcommercio, trade unions and many others - it is necessary to examine more recent numbers. Therefore, the accounts referring to the first half of 2023 will be awaited.

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