Protests continue by 1320 Air Italy workers, who risk collective dismissal if their redundancy fund - expiring on December 31st - is not extended by the company. The airline currently does not seem willing to do so.

Today a spontaneous committee of workers went to Gouvieux, France, where Prince Karim Aga Khan - founder of the former Alisarda company and 51% shareholder of Air Italy - lives and where the headquarters of his companies are based.

The employees delivered a letter to the head of security, addressed to the prince. In the letter they asked to give a mandate to the liquidators to present the application for an extension of the redundancy fund.

"It would be truly unacceptable that, having emerged a political will aimed at the granting of a year of Cigs that would allow the retention of staff licenses and the reabsorption of the same in the companies in the sector, only the formal request by the shareholders who caused the Industrial disaster of Air Italy and the expulsion of 1,322 workers from work ", they explained.

An assembly has been convened for tomorrow by the trade unions Ap, Cobas and Usb in Olbia, with a streaming connection for the Malpensa colleagues, in view of the event in Rome scheduled for Thursday 9 December, the day after the expiry of the 75 days from the start of the collective redundancy procedure. A new meeting at the table on the dispute at the Ministry of Labor is scheduled for that same date, with the presence of representatives of the Regions of Sardinia and Lombardy.

(Unioneonline / F)

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