Countdown in France to the first round of the presidential elections. The polls will open on 10 April, with a ballot set two weeks later.

According to the latest polls, the outgoing president Emmanuel Macron, leader of the En Marche movement (liberal and pro-European center) is given 27.5%, closely followed, as happened in the previous round of 2017, by Marine Le Pen, number one of the Rassemblement National (center-right), listed at 22%.

More detached is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, long-time MP and leading exponent of the radical left La France Insoumise, whose consensus is estimated between 15 and 16%.

As for the other candidates, Valerie Pécresse, leader of the Republicains (moderate force born from the ashes of Nicolas Sarkozy's Ump), the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo (Socialist Party) and Eric Zemmour, journalist and political commentator of Le Figaro are also in the running. , a member of Reconquête, a far-right Eurosceptic party.

In the running as an outsider, there are then the ecological MEP Yannick Jadot, the communist Fabien Roussel, the sovereign Nicolas Dupont-Aignan of Debout la France, Nathalie Arthaud of Lotta workeria, Philippe Poutou of the New Anti-capitalist Party and Jean Lassalle of Résistons, come on which represents the transalpine agricultural sector.

In total, 12 candidates, four women and eight men. To win the Elysée it is necessary to be elected in the first round with an absolute majority (i.e. 50% plus one of the votes). Otherwise, the ballot will be held, where the greatest number of consents must be won.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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