Pornhub, the most famous red light video web platform in the world, is ready to introduce a new feature to definitively stem the private videos of unsuspecting users that end up on the Internet, as well as cases of child pornography, human trafficking or sexual violence, which in recent years have induced giants such as Visa and Mastercard not to connect their payment circuits to the hard cash industry.

The portal has in fact decided to introduce a mandatory release to verify the consent of all "performers" who publish content.

“On January 23, 2024, in addition to providing approved co-performer IDs, we will also require proof of consent, such as signed releases,” Pornhub said in a statement. It is - it is added - a "requirement to approve and publish videos" in the hope that this provision "will promote a safer platform for all members of the community who upload content and interact with it".

In particular, Pornhub intends to obtain the consent of all the actors and "performers" present in the videos published on its site, who must confirm in writing their consent to the filming and its disclosure.


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