A massive cyberattack on X has caused the delay of Elon Musk's interview with Donald Trump. Musk himself said. "Sorry for the delay. This massive attack shows that there is a lot of resistance to hearing what Trump has to say, so I'm honored to have this conversation."

The interview finally began and ended after a little over two hours. Various topics were discussed, first and foremost international politics. The EU "takes advantage of us in trade," Trump said, and "we defend them with NATO: they should pay as much as we do for Ukraine." The billionaire reminded Trump that he had received a letter from Brussels before the interview. "There are attempts at censorship by other countries," Musk pointed out.

Then there is the migrant issue, a battle cry of Trump's election campaign : "Other countries take all their bad guys, all their non-productive people and send them to our country. If the Democrats win," "50-60 million people from all over the world will arrive. We are overwhelmed" by migrants "already today. With me, we will have the largest deportation in our history."

Finally, the attack on his opponent Kamala Harris: "She's a radical from San Francisco, she's further to the left than Bernie Sanders: she'll be worse" than Joe Biden, Trump said . With Musk's comment: "You should win for the good of the country".


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