Russia has for the first time clearly acknowledged the responsibility of ISIS in the attack on the Crocus City Hall in Moscow, which left at least 144 dead.

«During the investigation (...), it was ascertained that the preparations, financing, attack and retreat of the terrorists were coordinated via the Internet by members of the Khorasan group», the Afghan branch of ISIS, said declared the head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov, quoted by the Ria Novosti agency. Which also reports the arrest of 20 people during the investigation into the attack.

The Kremlin secret services do not exclude the involvement of Ukraine, which after the massacre was indicated as primarily responsible.

“The investigation is ongoing, but I can already say with certainty that Ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in that attack,” added the head of the FSBM who then accused the NATO countries of contributing to the transfer of mercenaries and terrorists in Ukraine. «We are recording the massive transfer to Ukraine of mercenaries and militants of international terrorist organizations from the Middle East, North Africa and Afghanistan with the help of NATO countries».


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