An attack in the USA similar to the one on March 22 claimed by ISIS at the Crocus City hall in Moscow , where 144 people died: the head of the FBI Christopher Wray warned against this danger in a congressional hearing on budget for the Bureau .

“Looking back over my career, I would be hard-pressed to think of a time when so many threats to our public safety and national security were all so high at the same time , but that's the case as I stand here today,” he cautioned. “Our most immediate concern was that individuals or small groups would draw distorted inspiration from events in the Middle East to carry out attacks here at home,” he told the House funding committee. “But now the potential for a coordinated attack here at home, similar to the ISIS-K attack we saw in the Russian concert hall a couple of weeks ago, is increasingly worrying,” he stressed.

Therefore, we no longer fear not only the action of lone wolves or small improvised groups but the plan of a well-organised commando .

The alert is therefore rising in the country and is added to that due to the fear of imminent attacks by Tehran on Israel or its American ally in response to the IDF raid in Beirut against the Iranian consulate, in which Pasdaran leaders died.


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