Donald Trump ahead in six out of seven swing states, driven by broad dissatisfaction with the performance of the economy and doubts about Joe Biden's abilities.

This is what emerges from a Wall Street Journal survey. The tycoon leads by a margin of 2 to 8 points in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, with or without independent or third party candidates.

The president is ahead by 3 points only in Wisconsin in a multi-candidate race, while in a duel with Trump he is neck and neck.

Eight months after the elections, the former Republican president is enjoying some signs of optimism even if things are not going very well on other fronts. Truth, his social network, lost 23% on Wall Street after reporting losses of $58 million in 2023 on revenues of $4 million to the SEC. And yesterday Trump paid the 175 million dollar bail to suspend the verdict on the inflated assets of his companies, while he proceeds with the appeals.

Despite these troubles, on April 1st he also allowed himself a joke: «I am suspending my campaign», he wrote to his supporters in a message via email and text message , but it was an original April Fool's joke which in reality served to raise new funds for the his presidential candidacy in November. By clicking on the message, his fans landed on a site inviting them to donate $5,500 or $3,300 to his campaign. “Did you really think I was going to suspend my campaign? April Fool!".


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