On the occasion of World Diabetes Day 2022 , on November 14, Federfarma Sardegna and the Sardinian Diabetic Network Federation organize a free screening day throughout the island to raise awareness on the risks of diabetes and the importance of prevention and early diagnosis.

It will therefore be possible to measure your blood sugar in the participating pharmacies .

“Diabetes represents, due to its social impact, one of the major health emergencies in Sardinia - explains Professor Riccardo Trentin, president of the Sardinian Diabetes Network Federation -. It is a disease in strong and constant increase, often devious, well known in name but little in real life, and for this reason it is sometimes treated late, with a whole series of consequences and complications ”.

According to the latest estimates provided by the Directorate General for Health Service Quality of Services and Clinical Governance Quality Sector of Health Services of the Region of Sardinia, updated to 2016, people with diabetes in Sardinia are 110,410 , with a prevalence of diabetes between 6 and 7 % of the population. It is estimated that at least 2-3% of people in Sardinia do not know they are and that they are at high risk. A correct lifestyle (diet, physical activity, smoking cessation) prevents diabetes in predisposed subjects or effectively treats it in the initial stages of the disease .

“Checks are very important and must be performed frequently, which is why it is important to sensitize the population to undergo screening - adds the president of Federfarma Sardegna, Dr. Pierluigi Annis -. Often, thanks to these days, diabetic people are identified who did not know they were diabetic. On average, out of a hundred people who undergo checks, four are affected by the disease, while twenty are at high risk ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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