Thousands of people (200 thousand according to the organizers) at the demonstration for the Constitution and labor rights promoted in Rome by the CGIL with 100 other associations.

«We will not stop until we get results. It's time to introduce the minimum wage", said, among other things, the secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini to the crowd, in his rally in Piazza San Giovanni.

Also in the procession were the leader of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein, a delegation from the M5s (but not Giuseppe Conte) and the leaders of Avs Bonelli and Fratoianni.

During the demonstration, “Bella Ciao” and chants and slogans against the Meloni government rang out.

And there was a brief face-to-face meeting between Landini and Schlein: the two leaders met behind the stage, hugged each other and exchanged a few jokes.


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