The Green Island of Carloforte is experiencing a golden moment, a team that is dominating the championship of First category Group A, with 4 out of 4 wins.

The battleship . The club managed by the entrepreneur Giuseppe Buzzo and coached by Pasquale Lazzaro, has been able to build a battleship that in this initial part of the season is managing to establish itself on the provincial scene. All within four years, that is, from the beginnings between 2017 and 2018 when the Tabarchino club, capable of replacing Carloforte, had arisen mainly to dispute friendly matches with workers, especially from the world of seafarers and navigation.

The objectives. Not even the two-year period of the covid has broken the enthusiasm. "Passion and sacrifices have convinced the management - reveals the president Giuseppe Buzzo - to make the leap in quality until we have risen to the First Category, but we have important ambitions". Do you want for the charm of the island of San Pietro, or because the team is bringing home results, recently prominent personalities such as the former coach Arrigo Sacchi, and the singer-songwriter Gianni Morandi, practically from house in Carloforte also and above all thanks to the fiction L'Isola di Pietro.

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