Brothers of Italy, party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, ready to officially launch Paolo Truzzu's candidacy for the position of governor of Sardinia.

In fact, the invitation to the presentation event, already announced in recent days, of the electoral campaign for «Truzzu president of the centre-right, civic, Sardinian and autonomist coalition» has been issued , which will be held tomorrow – Saturday 13 January – starting from 9.30, in the room of the Antica Casa Olla in via Eligio Porcu in Quartu Sant'Elena.

The occasion will be the fifth edition of the political-cultural event "There is good in this world", organized by Fratelli d'Italia and Gioventù Nazionale.

The press release states that "representatives of the centre-right coalition were also invited to the event - entitled "For a strong and proud Sardinia".

On Sunday, however, Truzzu's candidacy will also be made official in Northern Sardinia , with the mayor of Cagliari who will be a guest at the Provincial Congress of Fratelli d'Italia Gallura, scheduled in Olbia , from 10am, in the hall of the "For You" Hotel of Via Acquedotto Romano.


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