"I would avoid making comparisons between political and administrative elections, they are decidedly different elections as demonstrated by the latest municipal and regional elections compared to what emerged from previous consultations".

This is the response of the mayor of Cagliari , Paolo Truzzu (FdI), to the data that in the Sardinian capital have seen, in contrast , the success of the center-left over the center-right .

"Talking about rejection seems absurd to me - he clarifies - Compared to the municipal ones we have substantially doubled . And compared to the political and regional ones we have quadrupled . Now there are other electoral commitments, the coalition also needs to grow. But the Cagliari data is also influenced by the fact that the center-left has fielded a highly regarded and well-known candidate "(Maria Del Zompo, ed).

The success of Fratelli d'Italia? "Thanks to Giorgia Meloni - explains Truzzu with conviction - who believed in this project with a great vision, also believing in a young ruling class. Very coherent, it speaks of real problems that the voters understand well".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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