Over 900 million euros earmarked for training and active employment policies in Sardinia still "still at stake".

This is what the representative associations of the island's accredited training agencies - ASaF - CESFO.P and CO.RE.FORM - denounced - who met with CGIL, CISL and UIL "on the overt state of suffering of the training system and policies active for work in the implementation of measures in response to the many needs of citizens, businesses and territories".

The unions also rattle off the data on the funds that would be available to give "answers in terms of training and employment services to over 58 thousand users taken care of by the GOL program (which includes citizens' income recipients, Naspi, unemployed long term, women, disadvantaged people).

THE FUNDS "AT THE PALO" - In detail: 32 million euros from the PNRR for 2022 alone (and double that for 2023 and 2024); residues of the ESF 14/20 for 15 million euro); 11 million from Pon Garanzia Giovani; regional funds for 10 million; and then the ESF+ 21/27 program which is worth almost 750 million euros. Over 900 million euros in total which, underline the acronyms, «are not yet disbursable in a short and specific time frame».

AGENCIES AT RISK – "Unfortunately there is a persistent lack of planning and implementation with certain and defined times by the regional administration", reads a note from the unions. They add: «In over 11 months very few notices have been issued, the times and complexity of the bureaucratic procedures have slowed down or even prevented the possibility for the system of accredited training agencies to give answers to the many target users: young people in dispersion, NEETs , people in social shock absorbers, businesses and communities, who travel to offices scattered throughout the region on a daily basis. In this condition, even the agencies can no longer hold up and the structures and workers of the system and all related industries (teachers, experts and suppliers) who are involved with the activities are at risk». In short, "a situation of extreme suffering and uncertainty".

MOBILIZATION - For these reasons, the acronyms launch an appeal to the junta and the regional council for an "urgent intervention" and announce "the state of agitation of the sector , with the activation of all actions, including those of public evidence, to protect of the adhering agencies, of the personnel involved and above all of the many possible beneficiaries of the actions».


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