Boom of Sardinian exports in the fourth quarter of 2022.

According to the estimates contained in the latest Istat report dedicated to the exports of the Italian regions, the island records an increase in exports in value equal to 61.8%. A second performance   at national level only to that of the Marches (+82%). What makes the difference is the foreign trade of petroleum products refined in Sardinia.

At a national level, in 2022, moreover, compared to the previous year, exports in value show a very sustained growth (+20%) and widespread at a territorial level, albeit with different intensities: the increase in exports is very marked for the Islands (+58%) , around the national average for the Center (+23.4%) and the North-West (+19.6%), more contained for the North-East (+16.0%) and the South (+15.4%).

The major contributions to the growth on an annual basis of national exports derive from the increase in sales from Lombardy to the United States (+37.0%), Germany (+20.3%), Switzerland (+31.9%), Spain (+27.7%) and France (+13.9%), from Marche to Belgium (+345.5%) and the United States (+155.5%) and from Emilia-Romagna to the United States (+ 31.2%). Conversely, negative contributions come from the drop in exports from Tuscany (-14.2%) and Veneto (-9.7%) to Switzerland, from Lombardy and Piedmont to Russia (respectively -24.5% and -36 .7%) and from Emilia-Romagna to Japan (-19.6%).


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