On the eve of Cagliari-Brescia , it's up to Fabio Liverani to present a complicated match, against a team that just a week ago, with a home draw against Cittadella, had to leave the top of the standings. "We find a team to face with humility, because they are in front of us", explained the rossoblù coach, "but on the pitch we want to show that we are not inferior and that we can get closer".

Even if Liverani doesn't look at the ranking: “When I talk about chatter I don't mean the stadium and the match, but the tendency to always want to see the glass half full, as happened even after the victories with Modena and Cittadella”.

Better to look at the present: “Because looking into the distance is difficult, it is important to play match by match. And I'm sure the guys will have a great performance tomorrow ”.

No mention of the possible formation: “ Pavoletti and Lapadula together? The number of attackers does not matter, but the mentality, the attitude, the desire to attack the goal do matter. We have to play a game with strength and aggression, putting more quality in the last 20 meters ”.

Finally, on the withdrawal: “It has value if chosen by the players and so it was. It is a retreat lived with serenity, the players asked us to be able to have even more attention in view of the match ".

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