Good efforts on depopulation and energy, bad on trade and tourism. Requests for the streamlining of bureaucracy and serious programming of the funds of the Pnrr and the Zes.

This is the judgment of the Sardinian productive world on the regional financial manoeuvre.

Rejection without appeal by Confesercenti and Confcommercio , who intervened with their representatives Roberto Bolognese and Sebastiano Casu in a hearing in the third commission of the Regional Council.

Bolognese complained about the lack of attention for the sector which, even heavily attacked by online commerce, " runs the risk of becoming the black hole of the Sardinian economy ". Severe criticism also of the " slowness in the movement of funds in the tourism-transport chain, including seasonal adjustments ".

"We ask for attention - added Sebastiano Casu of Confcommercio - for what we represent in the regional economy and above all because we are the sector most heavily affected by the pandemic ".

Federalberghi Sardegna was not present in the commission, but made matters worse by sending a document: in the budget, it is complained, " there is no trace of the word tourism if not associated with sporting events and a structural programming is completely missing ". Not only that: "The document does not contain the funds for supporting businesses on the job front," adds Paolo Manca, regional president of hoteliers.

Confindustria, Confapi and Confartigianato instead promote the manoeuvre . «It contains important answers, but the real factors will be simplification and institutional synergies», said the president of the Sardinian industrialists Maurizio De Pascale.

Representatives of the agricultural world have asked for "a strategic framework complete with resources and regulations".

« With the Pnrr - underlined the general manager of the Banco di Sardegna, Giuseppe Cuccurese - we have the possibility of doing even better by exploiting greater opportunities in sectors such as research, innovation, sustainable development and ecological transition , and operating in transversal sectors such as tourism, culture, and agri-food".


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