"Now that the foundations are in place, the process must be helped to take off."

In the Prefecture of Cagliari, with the workers, the deputy minister of Mise, Alessandra Todde, took stock of the state of the dispute in the Port Channel of Cagliari, after the approval of the amendment for the establishment of the Port Labor Agency which it will make it possible to guarantee coverage to the professional pool of workers (190 plus a hundred related industries).

Now, he clarified, "we need to speed up the concession process: discussions with Q Terminal continue, as confirmed by the president of the Port System Authority of the Sea of Sardinia Massimo Deiana, and I believe that the company has every interest in proceeding and to carry on this game ".

The establishment of the Special Economic Zone will help because "it offers a clearer context from the point of view of the rules that the concessionaire can accept with respect to a contractualization with the Port Authority. This strengthens the project". "Anything that doesn't strengthen it has to stay out," Todde added. For example: "A regasification plant is not compatible with transshipment activities: I also discussed this with Minister Cingolani".

The exponent of the Draghi government declared that he was very happy with the result achieved: "The theme of the restart of the port was linked to many small pieces. This story is the demonstration that when things are wanted to be done and there are agreements for them to happen, happen. The agreement was transversal, because everyone did a piece: the Region, the trade unions, the government ". Another thing she said was proud of is that "one thing has finally become clear, and that is that the vocation of the Port Canal must be transshipment. It was not something to be taken for granted".

(Unioneonline / F)

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