«The objective is to prepare today, Tuesday at the latest, the decree to convene the first session of the Regional Council. The Chamber will be on April 9th."

Thus the President of the Region Alessandra Todde, at the end of one of the final discussions for the formation of the Council, the one with the Progressives. «And the objective - he added - is to present ourselves on the 9th with the full team. We are still discussing and refining the final steps, but we want to give the signal that we are ready to work to respond to the many needs we face ."

Still, however, the circle is not closed. «There are requests, CVs and the need to fill positions, there is the territorial and gender issue: many variables to take into account. But the political forces behaved in a disciplined and loyal manner and I thank them for their work and support." And this, Todde underlined, "is proof that the purpose of the coalition was not just electoral."

As regards the bilateral with the Progressives, the delegation included Luciano Uras, the regional councilor Gianfranco Satta and Roberto Capelli (La base). From the table it emerged that the party should still land in the Council at the helm of a department. «We said we were available for more delegations - explained Uras - the Progressives will certainly be represented in the Council». On Massimo Zedda's candidacy in Cagliari: «Very welcome, especially by the citizens, if we want to submit it to primaries we will do so. We are positive because we think we will win the elections in the capital. Even the president of the Region said that Zedda's candidacy is a winning one." Then, he also added, if there are other candidates, "we are available to compare and contrast".

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