Eivind Aarset will also be in Berchidda this summer. After Colle der Fomento, Time in jazz reveals the name of another artist of the 36th edition, scheduled from 8 to 16 August.

The Norwegian guitarist will be the protagonist of the evening of August 12 in Piazza del Popolo, where he will perform in a quartet with Audun Erlien on bass and Wetle Holte and Erland Dahlen on drums and percussion, a formation with which he released his latest album "Phantasmagoria" in 2021 , or A Different Kind of Journey”.

Born in 1961, Aarset – his recording debut with “Electronique Noire”, from 1998, was defined by the New York Times as “one of the best post-Miles electric jazz albums” – is among the greatest exponents of the fruitful Scandinavian music scene, a guitarist capable of absorbing and reflecting different genres and styles in his sound universe while retaining his distinctive style and the ability to range from atmospheres of tranquil intimacy to others of burning intensity. A talent testified by the many and varied collaborations alongside musicians from different fields, and among these Paolo Fresu, who he will also meet again as landlord in Berchidda.

The rest of the Time in jazz program, entitled this year "Futura", will be officially presented on April 21st.

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