A year stopped by Covid, a season that hasn't even begun given the closure of the theaters. Speaking of rebirth is not inappropriate, “ ScuolaTeatroTribù ”, the performing arts school of Arts Tribu, which has now been residing for some years in the historic stage of the Teatro Verdi in Sassari . The results of the work with the different classes will be offered to the public from May 31 to June 2 with three different shows, all starting at 9pm.

Opens Tuesday “ Zeus Ex Machina! "Which sees the students of the Preparatory Course as protagonists, a large group of actors of all ages ready to celebrate their" baptism of the stage "with a comedy with hilarious and surreal rhythms.

Wednesday will instead be the turn of “ Dasvidania! ”, A tribute to the art of Anton Chekhov by the Advanced Course of the School: an hour of fun in which girls and boys will accompany you by the hand in the Russian steppe, among improbable characters and divertissement of another era.

The closing on Thursday 2 June with “ New York City Lovers ”, a show of the Allievi Actori Course, the most professionalizing class of the school. Nine between actresses and actors will show the fruit of their work in a brilliant play immersed in the rhythms and atmospheres of the great American comedy.

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