"Dear Union,

we write this email with great sadness, after having seen our dream of a perfect holiday shattered, on the very last day at the port of Olbia, where criminals with ease, broke into our car and stole all our bicycles (value of 12 thousand euros).

We wonder how it is possible that this happened in broad daylight, in a busy area and on a square with video surveillance (Molo Brin).

The phone call to the Olbia police station was of no use: finding ourselves at a crossroads between losing the ferry or making a report at the police station, we were forced to embark, sending the report back to its destination.

The situation is almost paradoxical, if we take into account that the phenomenon is well known to the police, given that many travelers and tourists have found themselves in the same condition and then why is it not possible to intervene with a targeted action? By increasing the checks on the spot or by signaling with clearly visible signs to pay attention to possible thefts.

It is certainly not a beautiful image for Sardinia , but at least the tourist feels respected and protected even in risk.

Surely we have sinned of naivety, like hundreds of other "unfortunates".

Our only hope is to physically recover the stolen goods, given that at the moment we are not economically able to sustain another expense for the purchase of bicycles, or to see those who ruined our holiday punished.

We also hope that this letter will at least raise awareness among the authorities, the Province and the Municipality so that the spread of crime can be controlled.

Please: in the interest of those who love your wonderful land (tourists, travelers, cyclists and the Sardinian inhabitants themselves) make sure that you can return to the continent with a good memory of Sardinia and not with a bitter taste accompanied by anger, disappointment, despair.

Bitter Greetings

Barbara Miccoli and Antonino Sata


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