The companies of Sardinia are alarmed by the consequences of the crisis in Ukraine and of a possible conflict in Europe. To be seriously threatened is manufacturing exports to Moscow and St. Petersburg, worth 13 million, and then tourism, which on the island marks 40 thousand arrivals and 220 thousand presences a year.

According to the latest Istat-based surveys, as of the third quarter of 2021, by the study office of Confartigianato Sardegna, the export of island companies to the former Soviet Union is 13 million and 600 thousand euros in value, represented by food, clothing, articles in leather, machinery and equipment, textiles, furniture, wood and cork, printed matter but also chemical and refining products, in sharp growth compared to 2013, a period in which Sardinian products were worth only 5 million and 600 thousand euros.

From the Cagliari area 13 million and 600 thousand euros of products leave for Russia, 331 thousand euros from the north of Sardinia, 51 thousand from the South Sardinia Province, 15 thousand from Nuoro and just over 2 thousand from Oristano.
As for tourism, according to SIRED (Sardegnaturismo Observatory of the Regional Tourism Department), 40 thousand Russians arrived on the island in the last pre-pandemic year, equivalent to 220 thousand presences or nights spent in the structures of the island.

GREAT CONCERN - "We are very worried about the situation that could be created with a war in central Europe, first of all from a human point of view - the comment of Maria Amelia Lai, President of Confartigianato Imprese Sardegna - then also at a commercial level with the interruption of exports or with the imposition of any other sanctions which, at least, would jeopardize the relationships that our companies are consolidating and growing in Moscow and in all the other very important centers ”.

A few years ago Confartigianato Sardegna spoke out for the elimination of the sanctions that were damaging Sardinian exports.

THE SANCTIONS - "From our direct experience on the Russian market, through which we have accompanied various agri-food companies - adds Daniele Serra, Secretary of Confartigianato Imprese Sardegna - the existing sanctions for fresh food products represented and represent serious damage also for Sardinian realities. Consider that a leading Sardinian product, such as cheese, in practice cannot be exported. However, in Russia there are a number and multiplicity of cheeses from Switzerland; all this to the detriment of our activities which are precluded from entering this market. Today this damage could further
get worse ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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