Philosophy to better structure and make communication stronger. But also workshops and experiences on the set of a real Salvatore Mereu film to try to find professional outlets in the cinema . Or courses to learn design , a fundamental topic for Pnrr for example. But applicable to all initiatives linked, for example, to the 2030 Agenda on the environment and sustainability.

These are the new study courses of the University of Cagliari presented today at "Sa Duchessa". They are already active (some have produced the first graduates) and represent a possible choice for specialization: they are Philosophy and theories of communication, Multimedia production, Social innovation and communication.

The presentation of the three degrees was entrusted to the respective course coordinators , professors Vinicio Busacchi (Philosophy and theories of communication), Antioco Floris (Multimedia production) and Emiliano Ilardi (Social innovation and communication). But also the students, graduates and undergraduates, have lent a hand to introduce subjects and workers to their younger colleagues. Also provide information on the opportunities offered by the changes to the study plan of the Communication Sciences course, expected to start next academic year.

"The university's training offer on communication, a sector in which a lot is being invested, adopts multidisciplinary outlooks that draw on humanistic, sociological, philosophical, legal and technological knowledge, but is also characterized by the presence of professionalizing laboratories and teaching in the language English. Courses which - explained the Dean Elisabetta Gola - provide the keys to understand and manage institutional communication and social innovation, the languages and theories of communication, multimedia and audiovisual production with competence and awareness ".

For Philosophy and theories of communication - explained Busacchi - on the one hand, philosophy must not limit itself to reflecting on its history, on the other, communication increasingly needs to structure itself based on philosophical models.

Among the activities of the multimedia production laboratories there are also subjects of great charm such as applied script and sound design. Among the outlets instead of social innovation and communication there is the emerging profession of the "designer". The NRP teaches it: if there are no good projects, the funds stay where they are.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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