The underground tombs discovered in the city of Naples, their peculiarities and the comparison with the various necropolises found in the Porto Torres area. It will be Carlo Rescigno, academic of the Lincei and professor of Archeology at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", to tell about one of the wonders hidden in the subsoil of Naples, with a speech entitled: "Neapolis-Naples. The chamber tombs of Sanità”.

The appointment is for Friday 3 February at 5 pm at the National Archaeological Museum Antiquarium Turritano in Porto Torres, to reveal the heritage that emerged along what is now Via Foria. Outside the walls extended a rich valley concluded by a tuffaceous ridge created by ancient eruptions. Precisely in this area the inhabitants of ancient Neapolis had established the place to celebrate funeral rites and perpetuate the memory of their loved ones. Today that area is in the heart of the "Sanità" district which, in addition to the artistic and architectural treasures it holds in the open air, is a treasure chest for what is hidden underground: the ancient tombs of Neapolis.

The initiative is part of the cycle of conferences "The thousand and one museum", organized by the Regional Directorate of Museums of Sardinia and with the University of Sassari, curated by Luana Toniolo and the teacher Paola Ruggeri.

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