The sky, on April 12, 1970, presented a particular astral combination, perhaps unrepeatable. Those were difficult years, of workers' struggles and social unrest that the DC, which had just hoisted Mariano Rumor into the highest seat of Palazzo Chigi, could hardly contain together with its allies, the PSI, the PSDI and the Republicans. Not even a year earlier man had landed on the moon for the first time.

Union tensions and divorce were the key themes of the negotiations for the constitution of the new executive. Not even a month after his formation of the Rumor cabinet, and two days after the dissolution of the Beatles in London, Cagliari obtained the mathematical certainty of the tricolor that very day, against Bari , with goals from the immense Gigi Riva and Bobo Gori, who passed away a few days ago. And, to commemorate an event that is sacred to all Sardinians, the Planetarium of the Unione Sarda offers a journey through time, in search of the astral combination of that day, guided by the stars and astrophysicist Barbara Leo, former Serie A player A and field commissioner for the national five-a-side football teams.

This evening the first event, organized by Radiolina, the official radio of Cagliari football, in the presence of L'Unione Sarda subscribers, midfielder Marco Mancosu, Primavera assistant coach Fabio Pisacane and Rossoblù Primavera technical coordinator Roberto Muzzi. A nice surprise for the newspaper subscribers present and for the radio listeners, who were able to live an experience that was certainly unique in its kind.

But what was the sky like on the day of the Cagliari Scudetto? Barbara Leo replies with a smile: «Seeing a team from the South win the Scudetto certainly led us to think that there was some astral conjunction. I investigated and actually there was. In the sense that immediately after sunset, to the west, four planets could be seen, of the five visible to the naked eye, in a particular conjunction, in a position that I personally have never seen and who knows when we will see again: perhaps a missile? ». But will we ever see her again? Astrophysics is optimistic, while inviting patience: «You'd have to do some very complicated calculations to find that position, in my opinion it's possible. But it is also possible that there are others that are even more beautiful, which will bring other championships, perhaps. From an astronomical point of view, so we don't go too far on the prospect of a future success for the rossoblùs. I would say to take it easy, but we are all optimistic ».

Mancosu, Pisacane and Muzzi, like all those present at the evening, were amazed: «We hope that the stars are with us as they were with those phenomenal champions », commented the rossoblù delegation. Fingers crossed in view of the next commitments.

The sports journalists of L'Unione Sarda,, Radiolina and Videolina were also present at the exhibition : Enrico Pilia, Fabiano Gaggini, Andrea Manunza, Lorenzo Piras, Luca Neri, Alberto Masu, Valentina Caruso, Lele Casini, Luca Carcassi, Mariangela Lampis and Valentina Caruso. Together with them the social media manager Enzo Asuni and, to welcome the subscribers, the general manager of the L'Unione Sarda Group Lia Serreli.

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