The 31 regional publishers gathered under the aegis of the Aes draw a positive balance at the 36th edition of the Turin Book Fair. 25% more sales than the last edition, great guests and three events included in the official program: these are the most striking figures.

The president of the Aes Simonetta Castia states: «The success, almost an apotheosis, achieved with the event dedicated to the Sardinian Middle Ages, with over 1200 people in the auditorium of the conference center with Alessandro Barbero, flanked by Sabrina Cisci, Rossana Martorelli, would be enough , Giovanni Serreli and Alessandro Soddu, to attest to the quality of the cultural proposal of the Sardinian Publishers Association, developed in the name of coherence of contents and with the active solidarity of the majority of publishing companies present on the island".

During the five days of the Show, from 9 to 13 May, the AES proposed 24 events, three of which were of particular importance and therefore included in the official program: the great event "Middle Ages in Sardinia" with Alessandro Barbero, in collaboration with the Ilisso publishing house, the meeting with the publishers' associations of Corsica and Pais Valencià for the activation of a Mediterranean network and the homage to Grazia Deledda and Eleonora Duse on the theme of the novel "Cenere" and its film adaptation . At the end of the fair, on Monday, dozens of students crowded the stand for the presentation of the collection of stories from some schools in Turin "With our eyes", in collaboration with Catartica, with Michela Magliona, curator of the anthology.

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