The light drizzle that fell on the Marmilla did not stop the visitors coming from various parts of the island for the first stage of the "Le Strade dello Zafferano di Sardegna DOP" festival, which was a great success in Turri. Today, there were numerous exhibitors, the courtyards of the historic center were open, the traditional dishes based on saffron: the main element of the festival. Furthermore, visits to the centuries-old olive trees, workshops, exhibitions and music in the square. There were 30 points of interest in total, including traditional pratzas to explore and fascinating monuments to admire.

In the pratza de crèsia (the church square), the setting up of the medieval "Arts and Crafts" camp and the archery activity organized by the "Arcieri Storici Sanluri" association allowed visitors to have a jump in time. Furthermore, the themed treasure hunt for children, the various activities related to saffron, the presentation of the "Yarn Bombing" project by the "Un Mondo Fiorito" association, the competition at the Casa Museo dell'Arte Contadina, the demonstration of how tiles are created with mud and numerous shows in the streets of the historic center entertained the numerous people who came to discover the yellow gold of Turri.

Visitatori a Turri per la Sagra
Visitatori a Turri per la Sagra
Visitatori a Turri per la Sagra

Mayor Martino Picchedda does not hide his enthusiasm for the success of the event. His town is one of the places of production of Zafferano di Sardegna PDO, together with Villanovafranca and San Gavino Monreale. The three centers of Southern Sardinia together represent the largest production area in Italy, and one of the very few production places in the West: «I am extremely proud of our community for its energy and dedicated commitment. Our historic center shone with the colors and flavors of Sardinia, making this edition truly special."

Opere dell'associazione ''Un Mondo Fiorito''
Opere dell'associazione ''Un Mondo Fiorito''
Opere dell'associazione ''Un Mondo Fiorito''

This event was the result of the tireless work of many entities in the small center of Marmilla, from ProLoco to the "Un Mondo Fiorito" association, which set up and beautified the entire historic center involving 30 fellow citizens. «We will continue to cultivate tradition and promote the beauty of our Sardinian culture. Thank you very much to all of you and we can't wait to find out what the future holds for the next edition of “Le Strade dello Zafferano di Sardegna DOP”», concludes Picchedda.

The next appointments with "Le strada dello Zafferano" will be in Villanovafranca on November 12th and in San Gavino Monreale on November 19th.

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