Franco Arminio, poet and landscape scientist, described the idea of "paesitudine". These are the values expressed by the countries of the internal areas which define, for what they represent in the geography and history of Italy, "intense areas". «We need – he explains – high policies and not financial leftovers, we need to invest in people and not in works such as the renovation of squares which often give the idea of putting a ring on the finger of a skeleton».

And we must do everything possible to bring precious youthful energy back home: «Young people are a source of vitality for our countries, they transmit stimuli and new life. Their presence is essential to restart just as the contribution of foreigners is fundamental."

Franco Arminio, who demonstrates his civil commitment also with the extraordinary instrument of poetry, will be in Sardinia from 22 to 24 March invited by the Jane Austen club. Three meetings in Villacidro, Pimentel and Cagliari. To discuss his themes: intense areas, depopulation, poetry.

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