It's been a trend on TikTok for days, and everyone is discussing it. It is the phenomenon of spoken italics, launched on social networks by Elisa Esposito, a girl born in 2003 who has published a video to explain how it works and who now has millions of views.

But what is it about? What is spoken cursive? As the young woman herself said, it is a way of speaking that the Milanese have in particular, lengthening and crippling the vowels, especially at the end of the word. In the explanatory video the result is decidedly comical, and this is what Elisa wanted to achieve, a parody effect.

In playing the role of a somewhat snobbish teacher, she stressed that she is one and only a character, in everyday life she does not speak by transforming the "o" into "œ" or the "a" into " ae ". A few days ago, however, she ran into a gaffe: on the microphones of a radio she read the Divine Comedy in spoken italics but had to admit that she did not know the author of the work.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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