A 150-page volume with the pieces arranged in increasing order of difficulty, a presentation for each score and the notions for reading jazz musical writing and acquiring the technical foundations for improvisation.

It is entitled "The Sound Factory" and is a guide for teaching jazz music created by Professor Dante Casu, teacher of the Liceo Musicale Azuni, created with his colleague Roberto Mura and the contribution of the composers Bruno Tommaso and Stefano Garau, president of the “LABohème” association which organizes the seminars of the “Stintino Jazz and Classical” festival.

The work, the first of its kind published by a school in Sardinia, was presented together with the creators and authors by the head teacher Antonio Deroma, in the auditorium of the Liceo Musicale Azuni, to the students of the fifth grade and to the representatives of the local institutions, to the schools to music and associations.

«We were able to publish the volume thanks to a special call promoted by the ministry - explained Professor Casu - responding to the request to create a product useful also to other schools of specialization and with the involvement of the students, of an important figure in the musical panorama national and local musical associations".

The guide, which is already arousing the interest of numerous schools and conservatories both in Sardinia and on the peninsula, has been published in around five hundred copies and will then be made available in digital format on the Liceo Azuni website to be downloaded for educational use.

The editorial initiative represents a natural outcome of the educational path of the musical direction, which for some years has also had the Azuni Jazz Orchestra under its belt, made up of students from the various classes who alternate with each other over the years and led by the Dante teachers. Casu and Roberto Mura.

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