The launeddas and the beatbox harmonica, the sounds of Sardinia mixed with those that echo in the streets of London to give life to a music full of contaminations. When they met two years ago, the desire to collaborate and unite their worlds was spontaneous, and so between Matteo Muscas, a highly experienced launeddas player despite his young age, trained at the Orlando Mascia school and today a member of the Sardinian popular orchestra, and Simone Concas aka Moses, mouth harmonica virtuoso, winner of an edition of Italia's got talent, an unprecedented partnership was born. With them also bassist Lucio Manca, a link between popular music and that close to street art, capable of uniting the world of live music with that of the recording studio.

After the first single dedicated to Grazia Deledda, a new piece was born from the collaboration of the three artists, entitled "One heart", and an interesting Ep will also be released soon. «We met two years ago, on the occasion of the inauguration of an exhibition of ancient instruments, in Pula - tell Matteo Muscas and Moses -, and the desire was immediately born to unite our worlds to create a point of contact between tradition Sardinian and the new trends of English street art. Our music has recently accompanied the splendid images of the Montevecchio mine, during the program "Il Provinciale" by Federico Quaranta, broadcast on Rai 2: for us it was a great satisfaction».

For the future, the two artists have quite clear ideas: «We would like to continue experimenting, to bring together musical styles that seem so distant, but which in the end manage to merge to create new emotions».

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