The suppressive amendment to the land registry reform presented by the center-right in the Finance Committee in the Chamber was rejected. Only one vote was decisive. The reform wanted by the government is therefore safe but the majority has split.

Forza Italia, Lega and Fratelli d'Italia voted in favor of the suppression proposal. In total there were 22 votes against, 23 in favor.

"After this vote that leads to the increase in housing taxes for Italians, revealing the true intentions of the center-left and 5-star, from today we feel free to vote according to the indications of the Lega's fiscal policy, which have always been flat tax, special regimes, flat rate tax, simplifications, battle over files, balance-account ", said Massimo Bitonci and Alberto Gusmeroli after the vote on the land registry in the Finance Committee of the Chamber. "And we will vote - they add - with anyone who supports us on these proposals", they added.

"Today's Forza Italia vote in the Finance Committee in the House on the delegated law for the reform of the tax system is incomprehensible. In October the line shared within the party was clear and led to the approval of the provision in the CDM by the blue ministers ", said the Minister of Public Administration, Renato Brunetta, with a share of Forza Italia. “I confirm the line - adds Brunetta - the house cannot be touched, neither now nor ever. With the revision of the land registry, the average taxpayer will not notice anything: the commitment that the Government has made is that no one will pay more ".

THE REFORM - The text of the reform provides for the introduction of regulatory and operational changes to favor the emergence of buildings and land not registered, but also the launch of a procedure to collect and integrate information on buildings already registered in the land registry (i whose latest updates are at the end of the 1980s), by measuring the asset value for each house on the basis of current market values and introducing mechanisms for periodic adjustments.

"A mapping exercise", the Minister of Economy Daniele Franco defined it, which will have no "immediate effect" in terms of taxes (Imu, registration taxes, inheritance or donation taxes) or calculation of the ISEE: the new information will not be made available before January 1, 2026.

The cadastral estimates, the rents and the assets for the determination of taxes therefore remain the current ones.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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