The presentation of the 29th Report on the economy of Sardinia that CRENoS prepares each year to analyze recent economic trends and provide some economic analysis.

This is the most complete and authoritative analysis on the state of health of the region, prepared by the Center which can count on the collaboration of researchers from the universities of Sassari and Cagliari and is conducted within the framework of the agreement with the Foundation of Sardinia.

This year's report was drawn up during a period of great uncertainty in the European economy. While on the one hand there are some comforting glimpses linked to the end of the limitations due to the pandemic that can contribute to economic recovery, on the other a new gloomy scenario is determined by the war in Europe.

After the introduction by the director of CRENoS Anna Maria Pinna and the institutional greetings entrusted to the rectors of the two universities Francesco Mola and Gavino Mariotti , it will be Gianfranco Atzen i, professor of Political Economy at the University of Sassari and CRENoS researcher, to illustrate the data relating to this year.

The last part of the meeting will host the testimonies of some entrepreneurs : Mario Mariani (The Net Value), Giulia Mura (Turistica Pelau), Stefano Meloni (Bekaert Sardegna), Walter Secci and Luigia Demelas (Città della Terra Cruda and Adobe).

"The lesson left to us by the economic crisis caused by the pandemic is a possible interpretation of the 29th report - reads the back cover of the volume - which analyzes 2020 data and in some cases post-pandemic data: the quality of public services , the structure of the production system, the risks of production specialization, the misalignment of skills are some of the themes that cross-connect the chapters. All this against the backdrop of the largest public intervention in the economy of the last fifty years, the PNRR, which a crucial question: will we be able, at national and local level, to effectively use public resources to adapt the social and economic system to the changes taking place at the global level? "

The event will also be streamed on the University of Cagliari YouTube channel and on the CRENoS Facebook page.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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