Serena Brancale is one of the first artists who will perform at Time in jazz this year. On August 8, the singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer from Puglia will present her project “Soula” to the audience of the festival conceived and directed by Paolo Fresu.

A "one girl band" version of her third and most recent album, "Je so accussì", released just one year ago in March. A concert in which, accompanied by piano, loop station and electronic drums, Brancale, born in 1989, mixes irony and music, words and images, emotions and life as an artist, linking pop to jazz, R'n'b' and soul.

The 36th edition of Time in jazz, on stage in Berchidda and its surroundings from 8 to 16 August, thus reveals the face of the first female artist after the already announced names of Eivind Aarset with his quartet, Roberto Ottaviano in duo with Rob Luft and the cast of the “Good Old Boys Grand Orchestra” project, namely Colle der Fomento, Kaos and Dj Craim, and the LaBattery quartet. For the rest of the program it will be necessary to wait for April 21, when Fresu will formalize the final program of concerts and side events.

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