"For those who choose Sardinia as a summer resort, very salty holidays are expected". This is the complaint from Adiconsum Sardegna , which announces a complaint to Antitrust and Mr Prices on the case "in order to verify the correctness of the tariff increases practiced by airlines and shipping companies and to sanction possible speculations to the detriment of users".

"The fares of flights and ferries to Sardinia, after the sharp increases recorded in the last 2 years, have undergone further increases in the last few weeks - explains President Giorgio Vargiu - Airline tickets for connections from the main Italian airports to Sardinian airports cost up to 64% more than last year, while from many parts there is an increase of up to + 40% for ferries ".

"To reach Sardinia in August, a family can spend up to 2000 euros just for the transport item - continues Vargiu - To this must be added the increases practiced by accommodation facilities and restaurants, which risk transforming holidays in Sardinia into a luxury for the rich. A situation that makes Sardinia lose its competitiveness compared to other destinations and removes hundreds of thousands of tourists from the island, with cascading effects on the tourism sector and on the local economy. to reach Sardinia, a family manages to spend a complete holiday in other Italian or European holiday resorts ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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