The vote was dissolved shortly after 2 am, the last act of the Faradda dei Candelieri , but the celebrations in honor of the Assumption were not closed. This morning, in fact, Holy Mass was celebrated in Santa Maria di Betlem. The view of the church is spectacular, with all 13 candlesticks around the canopy of the Madonna who in 1528 and also in the following centuries saved Sassari from plagues.

An act of devotion strictly connected to the Faradda which, as always, saw the participation of the gremianti, in their elegant black dresses (jackets, tailcoats or spensers) adorned now with ruffs, now with lace, with silver buttons and above all the waistcoat that brings back the colors of Gremio. Black or white cloaks, as well as gloves. And of course the sword at his side.

The Mass was celebrated by the archbishop of Sassari Gian Franco Saba with the guardian father Salvatore Sanna at his side.

Tonight from 6.30 pm the procession towards the Cathedral of San Nicola to bring the statue of the Assumption back to the church where it is usually kept during the year.

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