The latest economic measure from the Solinas Council arrives in the Regional Council. Approximately one billion euros are the resources allocated in the budget change approved by the executive and forwarded to the various commissions for analysis and relevant opinions.

After the actual budget and the related one, the bill "Amendments to the 2023-2025 stability law, budget changes and recognition of off-balance sheet debts" is the last real budget from Solinas.

The resources are divided into about ten sectors: urban planning, health, agriculture, tourism, work, training, education and others. For 2023 the funds amount to 760 million, almost 100 are for 2024, 80 for 2025 and 77 for interventions that will arrive in subsequent years.

Below are the main allocations.

Funds to Municipalities

One hundred million, the largest allocation for 2023 concerns the increase in the Single Fund for the financing of local autonomies, which for Anci and Cal is a real breath of fresh air. «An intervention that we wanted to implement to allow full operations for our local authorities, which are going through a difficult time due to a lack of liquidity». Still on the subject of local authorities and urban planning, 17 million go to the Municipalities headquarters of the Barracella companies for the purchase of vehicles and equipment, 4.5 million for the use of the coasts and 35 million for the redevelopment and reorganization of urban areas. Among the aid to the Municipalities also that for the costs of New Year's Eve shows, increased by 1.5 million.


Interventions ranging from 37 million to guarantee essential levels of assistance to 23 for supplementary agreements for general medicine. There are 14 million to clear the waiting lists, 9 for private facilities accredited for the Covid emergency. Also worth mentioning is 6 million for the creation of a pharmaceutical workshop working on an experimental drug based on stem cells. On the animal health front there are 2.4 million for swine fever. Nothing for the 4 new hospitals announced in Cagliari, Sassari, Alghero and Sulcis, they will be found under the State-Region agreement.

Public Works

20 million have been allocated for the construction of plants for the production of hydroelectric energy, another twenty for water drainage works in urban centres. The rest goes to roads, from 8 million for the Sardinian Trasversale to 10 for the works on the Mughina tunnel in Nuoro. A substantial sum, 50 million euros, is allocated to Olbia for hydrogeological risk mitigation works. Forty million of the free surplus from the previous year are intended for energy efficiency measures.


Twenty million are intended for reclamation consortia, the other resources go to compensation for natural disasters and damage from insects.

Work and education

There are 10 million for SOS Enattos in view of the Einstein Telescope project. Forty million allocated to contributions for artisan businesses, over thirty for measures that promote training and employment. The creation of 15 training academies in as many specific sectors is also planned, financed with 8.5 million euros.


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