The cut in the citizen's income will cost the Sardinian municipalities about fifty million euros. The mayors recalled this during the joint session of the regional council with the council of local autonomies. "Cal and Anci have estimated that families, i.e. those who are already in a state of poverty, will lack 50 million - explained the first citizen of Fonni Daniela Falconi - let no one escape this issue because those who no longer receive the income of citizens will come to ask for help from the Municipalities".

The president of Cal, Paola Secci, also spoke of the reduction in income, who asked, by way of compensation, to increase the financial endowment of the Reis. Overall, he explained, «Cal appreciated the financial proposal of almost ten billion euros. However, there is no increase in the single fund for local authorities despite the increase in taxes foreseeing it». Furthermore, "we don't even see the resources to increase the tokens for the activity of our municipal councils and certainly these are not costs that can be charged to the single fund".

The Councilors for Local Authorities, Aldo Salaris, and for the Budget, Giuseppe Fasolino spoke on behalf of the Giunta. In particular, the latter, on fears related to the abolition of the basic income, assured that the Region will confirm the funds for assistance to the weakest groups: "We are waiting to understand how the basic income will be reformed, in the meantime we we confirm the historic figure for Reis (17 million) and 75 million for the Lavoras shipyards. In agreement with the unions, we plan to allocate another 20 million to tackle poverty».

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