"Free Reeds" is the name chosen for the conference held yesterday, Saturday 14 January, in Gesturi, to talk about the importance of the accordion in Sardinia, of the instrument in different musical contexts, to draw future scenarios and remember the figures of the two masters linked to the town: Galdino Musa and Ignazio Erbì. The event was strongly desired by the Municipality, the Pro Loco and the Museo della Giara. To coordinate: the cultural association Imprentas. Fundamental to the success of the event were the high-level interventions of the speakers present, the will of the municipal administration to develop the initiative, thanks to future projects, and the great availability of relatives and family members of both missing master accordionists.

Gesturi is the birthplace of the accordionist Ignazio Erbì, and it was also the adopted town of Galdino Musa: great accordionist and master of Erbì himself. During the conference, in addition to the survey on the dissemination and use of the different musical contexts in Sardinia and in the world, the contribution of the two important figures of Musa and Erbì was highlighted, and the need to make Gesturi become the center, the beating heart, of research and study on the accordion.

The speakers who took part in the conference were Marco Lutzu, professor of Ethnomusicology at the University of Cagliari, the ethnomusicologist Roberto Milleddu, professor at the Pierluigi Da Palestrina music conservatory in Cagliari, the journalist, writer and musicologist Giacomo Serreli, the professor of accordion of the PL da Palestrina Conservatory of Cagliari Gabriele Marangoni and, via web connection, also the director of the Accordion Museum of the city of Castelfidardo, Alessandro Mugnoz, who not only opened the works, but also showed great enthusiasm and interest in the think together to start a "twinning" that leads to a stable and fruitful collaboration between Gesturi and Castelfidardo.

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