What is happening in the air transport sector in Sardinia is " a real clash between companies and not a real desire to apply to carry out a transport service to and from the island ". This is the comment by Arnaldo Boeddu , general secretary of Filt CGIL Sardinia after the announcement by Aeroitalia to adopt a proposal similar to that of Volotea, ie to operate without compensation on Olbia.

«It is unthinkable and incomprehensible - continues Boeddu - the fact that the tender went deserted at the airport in the north-west of the island and to remedy this we are proceeding with a negotiated procedure, while, at the same time, we are witnessing a continuous relaunch as regards the north-east airport - he stigmatizes - To date, two of the three companies participating in the tender, in just one week, have remodulated their offer several times, renouncing not only the economic compensation but also the exclusivity on the Olbia-Rome Fiumicino route. In the next few days, other companies could also be added to this game of massacre for Sardinia ».

«Moreover - adds the secretary - it is certain that this affair can be moved to the administrative courts in the coming weeks. We no longer talk about frequencies, types of aircraft, tariffs, passenger services, but by now the companies have decided to let stamp papers and the courts speak for themselves ».

The only possible solution, until the rules of engagement on air territorial continuity are rewritten, for the number one of CGIL Trasporti Sardegna, «is for the Region together with the national government and the European Union to bring the three companies around the table airlines to understand the real intentions and the concrete desire to carry out an air transport service ».

And to prevent this situation from reoccurring, "correctives could be used that provide for greater guarantees from the airlines, calls for tenders no longer for individual routes, higher scores for those carriers that have such a critical mass that they can really fulfill all what is required by the public service obligations".


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