"I have cancer, I have little left to live." Sven-Goran Eriksson left everyone stunned during an interview on Swedish radio. The former Lazio coach and former England coach, now 75 years old, revealed: «Everyone understood that I wasn't well, they imagined it was cancer and it is. I have to fight as long as I can." He also said that he has little time left: «In the best case scenario a year or even more, in the worst case even less. In reality, no one can be sure, it's best not to think about it. You can somehow trick your brain, think positively and see things in the best way, not get lost in adversity, because this is obviously the greatest of all, but still get something good out of this experience."

It all started with an illness: «I suddenly collapsed while I was running a five kilometer run, after a medical consultation I discovered that I had suffered a stroke and that I already had a tumor. I don't know how long, maybe a month, maybe a year."

Eriksson coached the Philippines in 2019, his last experience.


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