While in Sicily the president of the Region has signed an ordinance to allow those with the basic Green pass to access public transport to cross the Strait of Messina, in Sardinia everything is still at a standstill.

To draw attention to the Sardinian case are the independence activists of iRS, ProgReS and Torra: "The Sicilian initiative makes the inaction of the Sardinian president Christian Solinas even more scandalous - they write in a note - and his non-existent opposition which until now they have not said a word about this discrimination against more than two hundred and twenty thousand Sardinians ".

But that's not all: they have also activated their international contacts by sending a letter to the Basque, Catalan and Irish MEPs to ask for an intervention. "You MEPs have often assured us that in times of need you would bring the voice of the Sardinian people into Parliament - write to Chris Macmanus, Irish from Sinn Féin and Pernando Barrena, Basque from EH Bildu, belonging to the European group of the GUE / NGL, to Antoni Comín, Clara Ponsatí and Carles Puigdemont, Catalans from Junts for Catalunya, and to Diana Riba and Jordi Solé, Catalans from Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, belonging to the European group EFA / ALE. The Italian state has launched new anti-Covid rules that prevent more than two hundred thousand Sardinians from moving freely on the territory of the state, unlike what Italians can do ".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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