Construction sites paralyzed and works for about half a billion euros at risk.

Sardinian construction fears the collapse, an almost unexpected victim of the many house bonuses that should have revitalized a market weakened by crisis and pandemic and now turn out to be a potentially lethal boomerang for medium, small and very small businesses capable of earning a fortune in a few months in tax deductions on restructuring, but now unable to sell them to credit institutions and the post office due to too many restrictions imposed by the government to avoid abuses and scams.

"In 2022 in Sardinia a company may also die from the accumulated too many tax credits - explains Sergio Alciator, of the Ance, the builders association -. Many banks have in fact begun not to accept the tax deductions guaranteed by the restructuring bonuses and to pay the very salty consequences are precisely the executors of the works who would like to sell them to collect the necessary to pay for materials and labor ".

For the credit institutions themselves, the fault lies with the new "anti-fraud rules" introduced by the Government, which have limited the passage of credits to avoid illegal activities: "If the rules are not changed to allow further transfers, a cap will be created that will damage small businesses" .

CHANGE THE HOUSE PLAN - Meanwhile, the new framework law will soon put an end to the regulatory vacuum following the publication of the sentence of the Constitutional Court that rejected the Housing Plan approved at the beginning of last year.

More incentives means more cubic meters: 20% of the existing one if several building structures are applying for extensions together, 15% if it is a question of single structures. The Councilor for Urban Planning Quirico Sanna explains, "a single building in the midst of many degraded ones is only a light point, ten buildings already constitute an illuminated area". And therefore "it is better to conceive global plans, on a large scale, also providing for the extension to public participation which also leads to the regeneration of green spaces".

For the moment, there is only a draft of the law that all the majority directors have had for weeks. There are two ways: the text of twelve articles could arrive in the Town Planning Committee as a bill approved by the Executive, or be brought into the parliament as a proposal directly signed by the center-right group leaders. In any case, you have to hurry.


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