An enthusiastic and curious audience welcomed the presentation of the book "Su Mastru Salis" by the writer Antonio Pinna, at the Turin Book Fair.

Yesterday afternoon many readers and enthusiasts of Sardinian culture appeared at the stand of the Italian Unitary Writers Federation, where Pinna, who edited the biography of su Mastru, presented his book "Francesco Salis, a Master for the community".
The volume, recently published by ISKRA editions, is a dutiful recognition to the illustrious citizen of Lussurgiu who gave a fundamental contribution to making Santu Lussurgiu progress in culture and society, encouraging the local economy by encouraging the birth of the first women's cooperatives, including the weavers' coop.

The author from Oristano, naturalized from Lussurge, spoke with Natale Delio Rossi, president of Fuis, recalling the great educational action of "Su Mastru Salis" which fought rampant illiteracy, teaching shepherds, farmers, artisans, housewives to read and write, training them in life, borrowing the precious lesson of the pedagogist Anna Lorenzetto. The event was enriched by Su Cuncordu 'su Rosariu of Santu Lussurgiu, who intervened to pay homage to the figure of the great Maestro Salis with songs in Cuncordu.

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